Menu / FocacceBuns (Focacce)

Focaccia AffetatiFocaccia with Affetati (Focaccia Affetati)
Prosciutto cotto, prosciutto crudo, speck e salame dolce.cooked ham, raw ham, speck and sweet salami
Focaccia with Affetati
cooked ham, raw ham, speck and sweet salami

Focaccia BiancaWhite Focaccia (Focaccia Bianca)
Olio, origano e sale.oil, oregano and salt
White Focaccia
oil, oregano and salt

Focaccia ItaliaFocaccia with Tomato, Rocket and Mozzarella (Focaccia Italia)
Mozzarella fiordilatte, pomodorini freschi e rucola.mozzarella fiordilatte, fresh cherry tomatoes and rocket
Focaccia with Tomato, Rocket and Mozzarella
mozzarella fiordilatte, fresh cherry tomatoes and rocket

Focaccia VerdureFocaccia with Vegetables (Focaccia Verdure)
Melanzane, zucchine e peperoni.eggplants, courgettes and peppers
Focaccia with Vegetables
eggplants, courgettes and peppers
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Mastro Pizza
Via Varese, 140/A, 21047 Saronno (VA)
Via Varese, 140/A, 21047 Saronno (VA)